kru Gian - OWNER & CHIEF muay thai INSTRUCTOR

Kru Gian is Certified in Thailand under the Kru Muay Thai Association & World Muay Boran Federation as well as in the United States under the World Thai Boxing Association founded by Ajarn Chai, the man who introduced Muay Thai to the United States in 1968. He is also USMF (United States Muay Thai Federation) referee certified.

Having 19+ collective years (as of 2020) experience in Muay Thai, Combat Submission Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Kali and Boxing, Kru Gian has trained with Legends such as Damien Trainor, Kevin Ross, Liam Harrison, Bas Rutten, Lyoto Machida, Tyrone Spong, Master Toddy, Master Woody, Kaensak, Bryan Popejoy and MORE.

Kru Gian’s style of coaching is detailed, technical, and motivational. His use of analogies for breaking down the complexity of skills and techniques allows students to easily grasp concepts and results in a steady progression of learning. Kru Gian deeply cares about his students and fosters an environment of respect and unity as a team.

Kru Gian strives to preserve not only the proper teachings of Muay Thai, but also it’s culture and history which was highly revered during his time training in Thailand.


COACH KENNY - TEENS & adult muay thai coach

Coach Kenny comes from Coban Lookchaomaesaitong's Muay Thai gym (Coban is a legendary Lumpinee champion back in the golden era of Muay Thai). Coach Kenny was Coban's head Coach and icon for almost a decade running classes as well as fight team training and competition cornering. Coach Kenny not only has extensive training with Coban himself but in Thailand as well. He comes equipped with an impressive martial arts history that includes Western Boxing, Kickboxing, TaeKwonDo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and also having trained in Shaolin Kung Fu for several years under YanMing, HengShan and Guolin in China.

Coach Kenny brings a very Zen like energy to the team. His calm demeanor compliments Kru Gian’s and Coach Joon’s motivational energy perfectly. Coach Kenny and Kru Gian are the Head Coaches for our competition Fight Team.


COACH Joon - adult muay thai coach

Coach Joon also comes from Coban Lookchaomaesaitong's Muay Thai gym in NYC. Coach Joon was a student there for almost a decade and brings great knowledge and supportive energy to the team. In addition to Muay Thai, Coach Joon has a long martial arts history that includes TaeKwonDo as well as Hapkido. He not only loves to help the students improve but loves to help people in general. His skillset, kind heart and sense of humor blends in perfectly with the atmosphere we have at 8 Venoms.

Kru Gian, Coach Kenny and Coach Joon form an amazing alliance with 1 goal: To provide a productive, positive and fun environment that is conducive to every student’s growth.