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8 Venoms proudly offers Muay Thai, Submission Wrestling, No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and an MMA program for children 7-12. 

Muay Thai or Thai boxing is the cultural martial art of Thailand. The origin of Muay Thai dates back several hundred years, and was, essentially, developed as a form of close-combat when soldiers dropped their swords (Krabi Krabong) on the battlefields. Also known as the “Art of 8 Limbs” or the “Art of 8 Weapons”, Muay Thai uses the entire body to mimic weapons of war. 2 fists, 2 elbows, 2 knees, and 2 shins. Muay Thai is considered to be one of the most intense Martial Arts, due to the physical conditioning required to effectively perform the techniques of Muay Thai. This is why MANY fitness enthusiasts choose Muay Thai for meeting their goals.

Sparring (engaging in fight simulation at 20% - 30% speed/power) IS part of the curriculum for those who CHOOSE to partake. Those who do NOT want to spar will NEVER be forced to and will do other pad work while other students are sparring.

8 Venoms Muay Thai Mission Statement - to successfully fuse together:

1) Dutch Style Kickboxing - Focuses more on Western Style Boxing and devastating kicks to accompany the boxing techniques. Secondary in the clinch.

2) Muay Thai - Focuses more kicks and clinch techniques and Western Style boxing is more secondary to traditional Thai form. Secondary in Boxing.

We are a family oriented environment and make working out fun and exciting. Various body weight exercises, ranging from Cardio to animal style challenges, promote muscle confusion (for optimum muscle growth) Keeping things new and interesting is key.

Come try a FREE WEEK to see if our camp is the right place for you and your family!